Cute Pekingese puppies dog - The Pekingese is a small, well-balanced, compact dog. It has a stocky, muscular body that is slightly longer than it is tall. The head is large in proportion to the rest of the body, with the top of the head being massive, broad and flat. The front of the face is flat. The muzzle is broad and flat, thicker below the eyes, separating the upper and lower areas of the face. The skin on the muzzle is black. The black nose is broad and short. Teeth meet in an under bite with a broad jaw bone. The large, prominent, round eyes are set wide apart with black eye rims. The heart-shaped ears are set on the front corners of the top of the skull, lying flat against the head. They are well feathered so that they appear to blend with the head, giving it a rectangular look. The neck is short and thick. The legs are short, thick and heavy-boned. The tail is high-set, slightly arched and carried over the back. The outer coat is long and coarse in texture with profuse feathering. The undercoat is soft and thick. The coat comes in all colors, sometimes with a black mask. This dog glance similar types Pomeranian, the difference is bigger than his size Pomeranian.
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cute pekingese puppies photos |
cute pekingese puppies photos |
cute pekingese puppies photos |
This type of Pekingese are very loyal to the owner, it is necessary in practice and socialized from a young, brave and agile and wary of strangers, but if the dog is not trained since childhood then the negative effect is, be aggressive and unruly, like biting and destroy all existing furniture, as well as indiscriminate defecation in the house.
Health Problem
These types of dogs are prone to disease colds, often experience problems in breathing and a weak heart, are genetically innate.
Living Conditions
Since this type of dog health weak, fitting a pet dog at home or apartment, may be invited out for a walk outside the house but not too often.
Life Expectancy
With healthy dogs, about 10-15 years